I'm Eva Du Hecquet de Rauville a photographer from Durban, South Africa and am Currently enrolled with Style Design College in my 2nd year of photography and doing all the Necessary Tasks, Assignments and Practicals.
Unlike most I wasnt inspired by someone else to become a photographer - I had just never felt so sure in my life before. I had never felt the absolute joy it gave me to Look through the camera and just snap away, Its not as easy as it looks its actually a very diverse and complex Career choice and to do it you do need alot of self-motivation, let alone help from your family and Friends.
I realised my passion in my Matric/Grade 12year and shortly after that got my first SLR Camera (Nikon Rocks :) ) and took a Gap year where I knew nothing about photography but how to take photographs and I did this for a year , got some amazing lanscape and sunset pictures. This is my Preferable area of photography, yet at the same time I love it all and Photographs in general, After I realised I had this huge Passion for photography - I decided it was time to greater my knowledge of both Photography and of coarse how to use my camera, So I started studying with Style Design College.
I have taken quite a few Photoshoots for friends and family for money and continue to do so while Im studying, So please feel free to give me a call :D